Friday, September 24, 2010

Looking for a Great Way to Relax ? Pick up a Book !

I tend to be a high-strung person by nature, and over the years I've found two things that help me relax and clear my head- reading and exercise. While there are other benefits to working out, nothing is better than coming home at the end of the day and picking up a book.

Originally used at Book Blog
There is just something about focusing on the words that seems to melt everything else away. Books provide us with an escape, a way to forget about that big test or to forget about the work load pilling up.

While reading tends to be relaxing, there are others benefit from picking up a book. Reading allows the mind to branch out, and according to Impact Publishing (, those that read on a regular basis have improved moods.

And although your reading that book on sports or that love story for fun, it can also help to increase your brain function and teach you better grammar and comprehension.

It has even been shown that reading at least once a week can prevent illnesses such as dementia (

I can't tell you the number of times that I've been stressed out  and picked up a book. Just yesterday I had trouble sleeping  because I was worrying about pointless stuff. So I picked up a book and after ten minutes, I fell asleep.  Out cold.

So the next time you start to worry about your research paper, pick up a book and read. It doesn't have to be for an extended period of time, just 15 minutes to a half an hour. Afterward, you'll feel like a new person !

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