So while I'm waiting for some more feed back, which once I get I will settle into a routine, I've decided to search around for some interesting sites that feature books or reading.
And so far, the result have been pretty satisfying. Gawker recently came to my attention by accident. I've always heard that fall, and depending on who you talk to summer, are the best times of year to read. So I google searched "best times to read," and up pops Gawker with a list of books to read this fall. Most of which are recent releases or books to be released in the upcoming months.
Several of the titles I've seen quite a bit in recent weeks in promotions and such. I thought I'd share, and give you a preview of what I hope to accomplish- a weekly list of ten or so books accompanied by a short synopsis/review. It's an attractive site, and after reading previews/reviews of books I think its time to add to my Goodreads account before I forget !
Also, one of my readers, ABR, recommended the New York Review of Books. The New York Review of books, according to its web site, is "the premier literary-intellectual magazine in the English language." The site discusses current books and issues in depth.
While Gawker seems to have something for everybody, the The New York Book Review is for more of the niche reader. It's a great site and interesting to read, but the content maybe not be for everyone.
Anyways, check them and see for yourself. In the meantime, don't forget to tell me what genres interest you !
Gawker -
The New York Review of Books-
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